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Francis Chimeremeze Ekwemeze, is a Legal Practitioner and a lover of children with the burden to help children reach their full potential. He is committed to Child development, protection and safety. He is the legal representative of Anambra State Child’s Right Implementation Committee (ASCRIC) and Violence Against Persons Prohibition (VAPP) Law Committee. He has been involved in several interventions around the State targeted at improving child development, safety and protection.

Friday, August 3, 2018

God Guides, We Decide

Unhappy with her job, Julie was considering becoming a real estate agent like her aunt. Sorting through the mail one evening, she found a flyer advertising a training course for prospective realtors. “Hmmm,” she wondered aloud, “is God trying to tell me something?”

When Christians are faced with making a decision about which direction to go with their lives, many aren’t sure how to choose a path to pursue.

People may become hyper-sensitive to circumstances as they seek to perceive divine guidance. Or, they may hope others can tell them what they should do.

We have found that people often resist taking responsibility to make big decisions. Why? Because decision-making can be difficult. There is often a lot at stake. Our decisions have the power to change our lives for the better—or for the worse. Making a decision inescapably means taking a risk. We may fear not succeeding, experiencing disapproval from family or friends, or being ultimately disappointed by our choice.
Also, many people have never been taught specifically how to make decisions, especially decisions about their vocational calling. When we are unsure what criteria to use in choosing a career, for example, we may look primarily at objective factors like salary and benefits, or ultimately make decisions based on our intuition or feelings about the options. We may know that there are other things we should consider, but not be sure what they are.
To further complicate the situation, we want to do what God wants us to do with our lives. So how do we take His will into account when contemplating a career choice or change? Is it up to God to guide or up to us to decide? The key to resolving this dilemma is realizing that it is both: God promises to guide and you are called to decide.

Called to be a Decision-Maker

God certainly can indicate supernaturally which job or career path you should pursue. At times, He may choose to do so. More typically, however, He calls us to take responsibility for making good decisions about how to use our gifts in the world. In the absence of direct supernatural guidance, we need to assume that God wants us to prayerfully and thoughtfully decide which work or ministry/service option is the best choice. “It is possible to pray, read God's Word, seek counsel, and still not feel led by God,” says Dr. Bruce Waltke. “That's the time to rely on sound judgment. God gave each of us a brain, and He expects us to put it to good use.”
Scripture illustrates that even biblical “superstars” like the Apostle Paul saw making decisions to be a natural, normal, and necessary part of life. While Paul did receive divine guidance (see Acts 16:7 and 20:22), he and others also made decisions (Acts 19:21, 20:16, and Titus 3:12). Developing the ability to make wise decisions is a critical skill for Christian life and ministry. A track record of making good, biblically-grounded decisions is evidence of spiritual growth and maturity.

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Debate Tournament

TEENS IMPACT CLUB DEBATE TOURNAMENT continues in earnest. To that effect next competition will be coming up on the 12th of October, 2018 @ A...